Booking Methods and Conditions


Except for exceptional cases, the deadline for booking is 48 hours before the guided tour. The booking will be confirmed by email, in person or by telephone, exclusively by the Hospitality staff.


Accepted Forms of Payment


In cash, upon arrival at reception.
By bank transfer, before arrival – at least 48 hours in advance.


Cancellation Policy


If you must cancel the booking or modify the number of participants, immediate notice is required. No penalty will be applied in case of cancellation/modifications at least 48 hours in advance.

In the event of a no-show, the full amount for the visit will be charged.

If you are going to arrive late, our staff must be promptly informed and reserves the right to confirm the tour.

If advance notice is not given, the tour will be cancelled after 30 minutes and the full amount is due.

If advance notice is given, our staff reserves the right to start the tour according to organisational needs.


Other services


WINE SHOP after the tour, during normal opening hours, or by appointment – credit cards are accepted here – no cheques.

CATERING SERVICES by reservation only

MEETING SERVICE available for groups of up to 100 people, by reservation only.


Notices and restrictions


During your visit, total respect is required for the other participants and for all the staff of the winery.

Adults are responsible for children, who must always be accompanied.

Compliance with all safety instructions indicated at the winery and communicated by the staff is required. Visitors must not leave the group during the visit. Leaving the group unaccompanied is always prohibited.

A video surveillance system is active throughout the guided tour area.

If you or any other guests have disabilities, food allergies or any health problems, do not hesitate to let us know in advance!

Private ceremonies, parties or similar are not allowed, except with the express consent of the winery’s Board of Directors. Please avoid wearing inappropriate clothing.

Pets are not allowed.


Parking for visitors


Access is from the main gate – please ring the bell and present yourself to reception. Follow the directions of the staff to park: consider that the internal area is used by staff, visitors and trucks (in the warehouse loading and unloading area).